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Vladimir I the Great

Vladimir I the Great

State: Russia
Mint: Unlocalized
uid: 5RU
Obverse: Ciricular inscription ÂËÀÄÈÌÈÐÜ ÍÀ ÑÒÎËÜ(or similar, sometimes illegible or mistaken), facing-standing figure of the great king in 3/4 length, beard and moustache, wearing crown, decorated with pendilias, holding long staff surmounted by cross with his right hand, his left hand is laid on his chest, royal sign in field left
Reverse: IC XC(sometimes HC HC), bust of Christ(Pantokrator?), beard and moustache, holding Gospel, decorated with gems, with His left and blessing wtih His right hand
rarity: RRR
nominal value: silver srebrenik
Date added: 2010-11-23 15:41:59    Hits: 278
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